GM Blog

18 de octubre de 2023    Post #9207
Is it possible to follow the rhythm of information?

In our digital era, news are quickly in our hands. News gets to us even though we are not looking for them.

Traducción: Lorenzo Fino

In a constant information waterfall, readers are now saturated with a great multiplicity of media and channels for lectures. Information is traveling fast, so fast that many of the users flow between live lectures and constant actualizations. So, how do we get to be a step forward in the information process? It may be that we finally have made it to the culminating point for traditional media, especially in print media.

Read the original in Spanish: ¿Es posible seguir el ritmo informativo actual?

Consumption habits

If you want to succeed in the media and the planning of these for the future, the majority of your luck will depend on whether you are capable of adapting to the new reading habits and the desires of consumers. The user must always be at the center of priorities. This will allow you to focus on the informative process in how you present the information and on which platform you will publish to get an aggregated value. With social media at its highest point, maintaining and building loyalty in users is a constant struggle.

With the huge amount of access and content that travels through the network in constant growth, our experience allows us to say that print is dead. Nevertheless, we can affirm that the reading habits of print have changed dramatically in comparison to the ways that followed in the past years. The daily circulations are not the same as decades ago and the subscribers who received printed newspapers in the past have evolved into new ways of reading. Smartphones mostly set the pace of reading in the digital and mobile age.

Here is an example from the UK: the trends in print circulation.

Source: Wordsrated

Despite the decreasing tendency of journalism consumption and with the users migrating to mobile platforms and contents, prints and digital subsist. Maybe because of tradition, and maybe because of some generic changes in them. Always in constant change, information travels in time at high speed. Roles have been reformulated and histories are developed in new ways. The future is here, and it is happening now.

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